Session M56 - Conflicting Heritage in the Timeline. Representations, Misrepresentations and Ways forward
Coordinators: Maria Beatrice Andreucci (, Anna Laura Palazzo (
Read Session abstractHeritage urban landscapes are in every way embedded in conflicting processes, from design to their making, from planning to their management, engaging different and often contrasting community expectations.
This session reflects upon the different ways politicians, societies and the elites of professionals, at the instigation of contextual conditions, address their past and/or forge new identities.
The endlessly creative layering urbanisation processes, from geology to ecology, to settlement, to economy, and so on provide the prime matter with which urban professionals are concerned. Urban heritage almost always provokes a responsive reaction, sometimes as an opposing natural or cultural force or process, and often a human response ranging from approval and celebration to extremes of repulsion and opposition. Heritage creation/management can result in progress as well as degradation – for better or for worse. The dynamics of transformation and revolution in urban design are an inherent part of the cultural creative process, and it is often the moment of conflict or tension that can be the most creative.Keywords: Conflicting Heritage; Natural Heritage; Cultural Heritage; Urban revolution; Heritage management.
Friday 31st August 2018
Room 19 09.00-10.30, 11.00-12.30
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